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Keep Memory Alive


Reprints & Licensing

All material appearing on and other websites owned and run by Keep Memory Alive is copyrighted and cannot be reused without permission. This policy explains the options for using copyrighted material from our website(s).


“Material” includes without limitation, all text, data, illustrations, graphical elements, animation, photos and tools, appearing on this site.

Any health information that is based upon the latest research and treatment standards will be labeled as such, and unless otherwise specified such words have been written or reviewed by Cleveland Clinic physicians or health professionals. The material contained on these pages is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider about a specific medical condition. Please remember that these Materials, in the absence of a visit with a health care professional, must be considered as an educational service only and are not designated to replace a physician’s independent judgment about the appropriateness or risks of a procedure for a given patient.


All Materials are the sole and exclusive property of Keep Memory Alive unless otherwise noted, and you acquire no right, license, title or interest therein or thereto through the use of this Website.

In no event shall you modify, delete or change in any way Keep Memory Alive copyright or trademarks or other Keep Memory Alive ownership designations or any Materials.


You may only print one single copy of any of the Materials on this site provided that such Materials may only be reprinted for personal, non-commercial use. Otherwise, reproduction of Materials in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of Keep Memory Alive.

No edits or alterations to the Material are permitted. Keep Memory Alive copyright notice must not be removed from any Material.

Reprint rights do not allow you to repackage, sell, resell, post on blogs or any other website, display, republish, reproduce, link or frame or store any Material without expressed written permission.

For multiple copies of any Material or other licensing arrangements or permissions to use any Materials, please contact Nicole Wolf at [email protected].