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In The News

November 14, 2013

Cleveland Clinic, NFLPA start program to look at ex-NFL players’ brain health

November 13, 2013

NFL union announces plan to test, treat former players for brain trauma

November 13, 2013

NFL Players Association teams with Cleveland Clinic to assess health of retired athletes

November 8, 2013

Lou Ruvo Center Studies Fighters’ Brains

October 2, 2013

Tools To Counter Alzheimer’s

September 12, 2013

Cleveland Clinic starts trial of cancer drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease

September 8, 2013

Ruvo Center conducts trial to see if cancer remedy can treat Alzheimer’s

July 31, 2013

Addition to Ruvo Center’s MS staff expected to improve research, treatment options

June 23, 2013

Married doctors working to balance personal, professional lives

June 6, 2013

Empathy Without Boundaries

May 19, 2013

Sports-related concussions tied to brain disease

May 19, 2013

Op-Ed: How much is your brain worth?